Student Posters

The conference provides students the opportunity to present their work and exchange ideas with the broader community through the SMEDG sponsored student poster session. The subject matter for the posters should be related to their current studies. Students should speak to their supervisors if they wish to participate then register on the Mines & Wines website as a student poster.

Any student submitting a poster will receive free entry to the conference. Registration includes delegate status at the conference and entry to the dinner, which is a good networking event. SMEDG is offering a pool prize of $1,000. At the judges' discretion the amount will be split among the best three posters.

Additional student assistance can be sought for travel and accommodation through the state AIG branches, or the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC) There is a maximum of 26 poster places available, and posters must be to a professional standard with appropriate content, text and graphics to the page sizes required.

Click here to register your Student Poster